Minecraft id list
Minecraft id list is shown below and all the numbers of items are there. In other posts you can find out how to enter. To enter commands in Minecraft go to post the link.
1 Stone
2 Grass
3 Dirt
4 Cobblestone
5 Wooden Plank
6 Sapling
6:1 Redwood Sapling
6:2 Birch Sapling
7 Bedrock
8 Water
9 Stationary Water
10 Lava
11 Stationary Lava
12 Sand
13 Gravel
14 Gold Ore
15 Iron Ore
16 Coal Ore
17 Wood
17:1 Redwood
17:2 Birchwood
18 Leaves
18:1 Redwood Leaves
18:2 Birchwood Leaves
19 Sponge
20 Glass
21 Lapis Lazuli Ore
22 Lapis Lazuli Block
23 Dispenser
24 Sandstone
25 Note Block
26 Bed Block
27 Powered Rail
28 Detector Rail
29 Sticky Piston
30 Web
31 Dead Shrub
31:1 Tall Grass
31:2 Live Shrub
32 Dead Shrub
33 Piston
34 Piston Head
35 White Wool
35:1 Orange Wool
35:2 Magenta Wool
35:3 Light Blue Wool
35:4 Yellow Wool
35:5 Light Green Wool
35:6 Pink Wool
35:7 Gray Wool
35:8 Light Gray Wool
35:9 Cyan Wool
35:10 Purple Wool
35:11 Blue Wool
35:12 Brown Wool
35:13 Dark Green Wool
35:14 Red Wool
35:15 Black Wool
37 Dandelion
38 Rose
39 Brown Mushroom
40 Red Mushroom
41 Gold Block
42 Iron Block
43 Double Stone Slab
43:1 Double Sandstone Slab
43:2 Double Wooden Slab
43:3 Double Cobblestone Slab
43:4 Double Brick Slab
43:5 Double Stone Brick Slab
44 Stone Slab
44:1 Sandstone Slab
44:2 Wooden Slab
44:3 Cobblestone Slab
44:4 Brick Slab
44:5 Stone Brick Slab
45 Brick
46 TNT
47 Bookshelf
48 Mossy Cobblestone
49 Obsidian
50 Torch
51 Fire
52 Monster Spawner
53 Wooden Stairs
54 Chest
55 Redstone Wire
56 Diamond Ore
57 Diamond Block
58 Workbench
59 Wheat Crops
60 Soil
61 Furnace
62 Burning Furnace
63 Sign Post
64 Wooden Door Block
65 Ladder
66 Rails
67 Cobblestone Stairs
68 Wall Sign
69 Lever
70 Stone Pressure Plate
71 Iron Door Block
72 Wooden Pressure Plate
73 Redstone Ore
74 Glowing Redstone Ore
75 Redstone Torch (off)
76 Redstone Torch (on)
77 Stone Button
78 Snow
79 Ice
80 Snow Block
81 Cactus
82 Clay
83 Sugar Cane
84 Jukebox
85 Fence
86 Pumpkin
87 Netherrack
88 Soul Sand
89 Glowstone
90 Portal
91 Jack-O-Lantern
92 Cake Block
93 Redstone Repeater Block (off)
94 Redstone Repeater Block (on)
95 Locked Chest
96 Trapdoor
97 Stone (Silverfish)
97:1 Cobblestone (Silverfish)
97:2 Stone Brick (Silverfish)
98 Stone Brick
98:1 Mossy Stone Brick
98:2 Cracked Stone Brick
99 Red Mushroom Cap
100 Brown Mushroom Cap